Jeremy Haft

Developer and Project Enthusiast.

Hi! My name is Jeremy Haft. Welcome to my website! I am years old and live in Cedarhurst, NY. I attend Queens College CUNY, Located in Flushing NY. I am majoring in Computer Science. I'm interested in Technology, specifically, Electrical Engineering, Coding, 3D Printing and Photography. I enjoy building cool projects involving Arduino and Raspberry Pi I worked on many projects such as the Lights and Music for the Bottle Cap Art project called, Starry Night Over Jerusalem, A Musical Menorah, A Live Scenery Webcam, and more. Back in High School I was part of an exclusive class called Sci-Tech, where we learned about Arduino and Electrical Engineering. I was also part of the AV Club in HAFTR High School. In that club we learn how to use Profesional Photography equipment and live stream events such as basketball games. After High School, I spent 2 years in the Old City of Jeruslaem, Israel learning Jewish Philosophy and Talmud at Aish HaTorah College Of Jewish Studies.

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Starry Night Over Jerusalem

A bottle cap murral with led flashing patterns and music in the background. Powered by Arduino Microcontrollers.

Go somewhere
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Aventura Live Webcam

A live stream camera of a beutiful view of Golden Beach, FL and the boats nearby. Powered by a PC, OBS Studio, EarthCam and A Logitech webcam.

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Arduino Battery Tester Attiny85

Used an Attiny85 Microcontroller chip to test the voltage level of a 1.5 volt battery and therefore test how much power it has.

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3D Printed Magnets

One of my first 3D Print Designs. I designed it using 123D by Autodesk

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Google CSSI Final Project - Covid Tracker Website

Final project from the Google CSSI Program. Worked together with Inderpreet Singh, Adrian Erfe, and Kimberly Hookum. Worked primarily on the backend Javascript aspect of the website to fetch data from apis

See project
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High School Color War Projects

Created awesome animatronic displays with the teams of the color war teams. 2018's theme was Torah Ohr. 2019's theme was Israel

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Musical Menorah

Created an instructable project on how to make a musical Menorah. Earned an Instructable Bronze Metal for getting project featured.

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